A buying club can be an incredible way to get discounts on all kinds of products. Because of this, they’re very popular, and if you have an inside hookup, they can make a substantial amount of money. To create a buying club, all you have to do is gather a group of people who all want the same thing.
Unfortunately, a buying club is ripe for fraudulent chargebacks.
Because the club hinges upon a substantial number of people all buying together to get a volume discount, it’s difficult, and sometimes impossible, to return or refund items. If someone is unhappy with a purchase, or just wants to get items for free, then he or she may initiate a chargeback, and it can severely cut into company profits. The heightened financial risks can make finding traditional merchant accounts for buying clubs a complex process. You may also risk heavy fees, difficult-to-understand terms and poor customer service.
At Free POS Terminal, you can protect your business from chargeback fraud and still provide your customers with a streamlined payment experience.
Buying Clubs
Preferred Payment Option
Allow your customers to use their preferred payment option, whether that’s ApplePay, Google Wallet or a physical card.
Stay protected
Stay protected from chargebacks initiated by deceptive customers, while still serving genuine buyers with ease.
Track multiple Fraud
Track multiple types of fraud at once, not just chargeback fraud.
Payment Growth
Grow your payment program with your company..
It’s important that your payment services reflect the rest of your business. They need to be tailored to your business model to be more applicable to your customers. By giving your Free POS Terminal payment services the personal touch they need, you can be more comfortable with the image you’re projecting to your customer base.
Remember: The image you project will determine whether customers utilize your services, so you need to put your best foot forward.
Different businesses attract different demographics, and buying clubs tend to attract customers who are always looking for a deal. These people are often busy and concerned with saving time as well as money. You need something they can take advantage of at any place and time.
Free POS Terminal gives you incredible accessibility and flexibility, no matter what you’re selling and who’s buying. Our terminals accept payments from anywhere, at any time, using any payment method, so you can make sure you never miss a sale.
Different businesses attract different demographics, and buying clubs tend to attract customers who are always looking for a deal. These people are often busy and concerned with saving time as well as money. You need something they can take advantage of at any place and time.
Free POS Terminal gives you incredible accessibility and flexibility, no matter what you’re selling and who’s buying. Our terminals accept payments from anywhere, at any time, using any payment method, so you can make sure you never miss a sale.